Book Review: Principles by Ray Dalio

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     Almost every page in this book is filled with valuable insight on how to tackle life. Written by Ray Dalio, a hedge fund owner who runs Bridgewater Associates, it describes how Mr. Dalio discovered and created his own principles he used to guide him through life. He describes his journey from having Bridgewater Associate just consists of him and a few close individuals to the massive organization it is today. He explicitly accredits his major success to the principles he followed, and they are all included in the book. While it is a long read, I’d highly recommend it to anyone interested in a fascinating book about life and how to methodically handle adversity and any obstacles you face. The book truly transformed the way I think, and I’ve already been able to apply some of Mr.Dalio’s principles to my daily life. My favorite piece of advice in the book by far is a simple notion: “Maturity is the ability to reject good alternatives in order to pursue even better ones”. I would like to always strive for more, and never settle for where I am.

The best part about this book is that it is free to download on the App Store. You can download it by clicking here. Or if you’d like to purchase a physical copy, you can click here to buy it on Amazon. I read the book on my iPhone, and I’d recommend everyone to do the same as I was able to save certain principles on my phone in the “My Principles” section of the app. The app also has many more interactive features, such as highlighting and underlining. Enjoy reading!

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I am currently in my junior year of high school in New York. I'm interested in Computer Science as well as Finance.

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